F值杀菌锅介绍: Introduction of F value autoclave 一、 主要介绍Brief Introduction 传统杀菌锅的控制方式,是通过改变杀菌时间和杀菌温度来达到一个杀菌效果,但是由于升温的过程会因为热量来源不稳定和食品体积大小,会影响杀菌效果(f值),导致每杀菌批次的杀菌效果不一致。 For the control mode of traditional autoclave, it achieves a sterilizing effect by changing the time and temperature of sterilization, but in period of raising temperature, the sterilizing effect (F value) would be affected by the unsteady heat source and the size of food which could lead to multiform sterilizing effects. F值杀菌锅采用预先设置杀菌效果(f值)来控制整个杀菌过程,使杀菌效果变得直观、可控,且**了每杀菌批次的杀菌效果一致,不再受升温速度和产品体积影响,实现食品“商业无菌”的标准化生产。对于罐藏食品加工企业有着重要的实际意义。 F value autoclave controls the sterilizing effects by F value preset so as to make the sterilizing effects visible and controllable without affected by the raising temperature and size of food, and ensure the sterilizing effects of each batch are uniform so that realize the “commercial sterilization ” for food industry. It is a vitally important innovation for